Wake Forest Film Festival
2025 Wake Forest Film Festival | March 1
The Wake Forest Film Festival will spotlight passionate creative and thought-provoking movies by some of today's most promising and accomplished local, national, and international filmmakers.
Intended for both the general public and film professionals, or one-day film showcase will engage audiences with films of all lengths and genres.
Block 1 - 10 AM -12:45 PM
Lunch - 12:45 - 2 PM

Block 2 - 2 - 3:45 PM
Block 3 - 4 - 5:30 PM
Block 4 - 5:45 - 9:45 PM
MIX & MINGLE - 9:45 -11 PM
History of the Wake Forest Film Festival
The Wake Forest Film Festival was created from the dreams of three like-minded women with a passion to evoke social change in their community: Cathy Gouge, Wake Forest Renaissance Center for the Arts Manager (2015-2019), Gauri Singh, filmmaker and resident, and Kimberly Soden, Cultural Arts Board member (2018-2020). These women discovered they shared the desire to bring awareness to the fast growing, diverse community of Wake Forest by creating a film festival that would attract independent film artists from across the globe.
After numerous meetings and conversations, festival founders Gouge, Singh, and Soden were joined by other community volunteers and a committee was formed to launch the first Wake Forest Film Festival in 2018. That first festival featured films from across the globe and attracted filmmakers and industry professionals.
The year 2025 marks the sixth year of the Wake Forest Film Festival. The one-day festival features films in four categories: student, documentary, narrative feature, and short feature.
Wake Forest welcomes filmmakers and industry professionals from across the United States to share their art of storytelling through the medium of film.